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5 min read
Combating Insulin Resistance When Trying to Conceive
Insulin resistance is a condition in which cells have a harder time taking up glucose from the bloodstream. It's a precursot to Type 2...
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4 min read
What is Infertility?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), roughly 1 in 6 couple worldwide will struggle to get pregnant, and researchers believe...
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4 min read
Antioxidants - The Key to Healthy Cells
At any given moment, your body has antioxidants and free radicals present. Essential metabolic processes throughout the body, such as...
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3 min read
Exercise and Infertility: a healthy balance
While overexercising can have detrimental effects on fertility, moderate exercise is recommended for every woman trying to conceive, and...
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5 min read
How Stress is Affecting Your Fertility
Especially in western culture, we hear endless maladies that are either associated with, or fueled by stress - like quicker aging, a poor...
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4 min read
Inflammation and Infertility: An Often Unnoticed Culprit
Infertility affects 10-15% of couples worldwide. While a lot of attention is focused on egg and sperm quality, healthy hormones, and...
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4 min read
Endocrine Disruptors and How to Avoid Them
We go through our normal routines each day. We buy food off of grocery store shelves, spray our yard to get rid of weeds, freshen up with...
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4 min read
How to Choose a Prenatal Vitamin
While a diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains and colorful fruits and vegetables is the best way to provide the nutrition your body...
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8 min read
The Best Diet for Fertility
Infertility affects roughly 1 in 7 couples, and rates are only getting worse, especially in regards to male fertility. A recent global...
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5 min read
Superfood Highlight: Blueberries
Have you heard all the buzz about blueberries? Not only are they a delicious snack, but they are a powerful superfood. Packed with...
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4 min read
What is a Midwife and Why You Should Have One
It is not uncommon to have someone ask me what a midwife is when I tell them what I do, or to encounter confusion about the fact there...
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7 min read
How to Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy
Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing! Even though often uncomfortable and quite exhausting, being pregnant is such a sweet time! But it’s...
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